I love this time of year. All the parents are in town for graduation. They are finally seeing all the damage their children have done and they are understanding that I am not the big mean landlord they think I am. . . I wish!!!! If one more parent assures me that their kid did not break that and it was like that when they moved in I am going to punch someone. Truly.
These kids whine about everything. If their door was broken the whole time they lived there I would know. Trust me. If the 16 holes in the wall where there when they moved in they would have said so. I promise. They called me every time a light burned out because changing a bulb is a confusing stressful thing for these 20 year old children. They called to scream at me when their power went out when a transformer blew and the city had to come down and replace it. Because that was my fault. I assure you they would have let me know if there was mold growing in their bathroom (which FYI is mildew since they have never cleaned that bath once in the 12 months they lived here) because they called me when their windows looked dirty, instead of just cleaning them like a normal person.
As we head into our big summer moving season, I am bracing myself for all of the 'my baby would never do that' and 'I am not paying for that broken window, it was like that the whole time' comments from parents. Even though it shocks me ever time I hear it.
Had I behaved this way my parents would have cut me off completely and made me clean up my own mess. Not because they are mean, but because they loved me. I thankfully wasn't a destructive, slutty, raging alcoholic with no manners and a complete lack of respect for the law or those around me. I was just your average 19 year old idiot, with a beer in my hand, trying to figure things out and cleaning up my own disasters as I went along.
I am saddened everyday to know that these people are our future. Maybe I will move to Canada. . .
Yes on a checklist, and I have added pictures just during the last round of move-ins. so this year it should resolve quite a bit of the insanity. I walk through every apartment with the tenants when they move in and again when they move out. They end up having no legal recourse because I do everything by the book. It just the sheer amount of time and energy it takes from my day.