Monday, May 19, 2014


This weekend was full of 20 something making grand memories during their graduation weekend.  Setting a fine example for the up and coming students who are finally old enough to move out the dorms and venture out on their own. . . All awaiting a swift kick to the rear from the reality Gods. 

I realize that some of my tenants are actually good people and probably have jobs awaiting them and didn't blow every penny in their parent funded bank accounts getting wasted this weekend.  But they are the minority.  The others invited over their younger frat brothers and sorority sisters to celebrate their mediocre accomplishments (C's get degrees people!) with a drunkfest that has now ended with my crew having to spend the day cleaning up their mess and repairing the damages.  Most parents,  I am sure, participated in the antics.  Most likely funded most of it.  Because nothing teaches your children about the realities of their future like a good old fashioned keg party, Animal House style.  I enjoy a good night of drinking with my parents, but not at the expense of someone else's sanity.  (Husband not included in that.  The pops and I can make him pretty crazy from time to time.) 

Now they will trek out into their adulthood with little to no idea how it is actually supposed to work.  They will have no idea how to pay their bills, fix things that break in their homes, have actual conversations with people that don't involve texting, or what is and is not appropriate behavior.  Fairly normal for a 20 something.  But these kids don't know how to write checks.  Most of them don't know their social security numbers.   They don't know how to ask for help.  They just call their parents and have their parents call the repair man.  I hope daily it is not too late for them to learn how to take care of themselves.  If so, my generation will not only be caring for our parents someday but we will also be cleaning up after a bunch of 40 year old who just can't figure it out.  Their parents have done them such a disservice in life. 

I know this is all very 'GET OFF MY LAWN', but it is true.  I also realize it is just a repeat of everything I complain about on here.  But I am woke up nightly by my phone ringing with 20 something's complaining at 3 in the morning that their toilet is clogged.  ( a plunger) Or at midnight because the lights in their living room don't work and they just got home and someone better come fix it right now, damn it, because they (their parents) are paying good money to live here.  (did you check your breaker box?  Oh you don't even know what that is?  Seriously? FML) Or they invite 150 of their closest friends over on a Tuesday night to rage until dawn and then call me at 10 on Saturday because their neighbors have 10 people over watching a movie and they are bothering them. (reality check needed, desperately)

They make my job nearly impossible to do.  They drive me insane.  They give me gray hair. Their parents baffle me.  Their disrespect is shocking.  And frankly, I don't understand the clothes they wear and it weirds me out.  (Truth. When did high wasted shorts come back.  Gross)  So Happy Monday.  And 'GET OFF MY LAWN, YOUNGSTERS.'

And now to suffer another week. . . Until someone hands me a paycheck and a cocktail and I forget my job life sucks for a few short hours . . . Is it Friday yet????

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