Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Maintenace Man

Our maintenance man quit.  For the 297th time.  He constantly threatened to quit.  Handed in his keys a million times. But always asked for his job back the next day.  The level of immaturity and unprofessionalism rivaled that of our tenants.  When I came back from my little hiatus, he almost immediately threatened to quit, again.  I said 'good, then quit.'  He of course tried to go above me to my boss who said the same thing.  We were tired of it.  Plus we have another maintenance man and it is the slow season.  One will be plenty for now.  So we all agreed to give him 30 days to find another job.  He found a job.  Yesterday he handed in his keys.  His first assignment today with the new plumbing company he went to work for..... Yep.  Our properties.  Yet again proving God has a wicked sense of humor.

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