Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ummmm..... Yeah......

This basically sums up this week.  It has been insane.  This should be one of our quietest times of the year.  The students are wrapping up finals and leaving town.  My grown up tenants are kicking back and enjoying the silence.  Our maintenance guys get a much needed break from constant running.  But nope.  No peace for me. I am worn out this week.  This week is how crazy it used to be and what drove me to leave.  I have to remind myself over and over this week that this is just one week.  Just one weird and crazy week.  There has been evictions, threats, a tenant accidentally texting me about their drug deal, and a never ending project we are working on to acquire another property, because we really need to add some more units to our crazy days.  Sure.  Why not. When I have more than 2 minutes I will share all my fun stories from this week. 

Merry Christmas!!!!!  Tis the season to be a jerk!!!

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