Thursday, December 17, 2015


This is normally our quietest time of the year.  The students are gone.  The adults that live here are relaxed and enjoying a break from the idiots.  All is calm.......  Nope. Not this year.  

We have had multiple broken windows.  We had to evict a commercial tenant.  There has been some break ins.  Two roofs are leaking.  Our maintenance mans wife had a baby so he isn't here.  My boss is beginning his annual freak out over pre-leasing.  (We are far ahead of where we have ever been for this time of year so he is just going to need to chill the ef out.)   And that is just the last 5 days.  

And while all of this has been happening we were working on a project to submit a bid for more properties.  Because why not.  We need to add to the chaos.  That is a great idea. 

Now I am not one to complain (pause for laughter) but this isn't making me feel all Christmassy.

And just to make it more fun about half our tenants paid rent late this month.  Which of course they felt was my fault.  I think I am promoting myself from mayor of idiotville to captain of the insane train.  I think it has a nicer ring. 

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