Thursday, August 28, 2014


A tenant call me a fat bitch.  Yep.  It finally happened.  I had been waiting for it.  I am both surprised that it took so long for someone to call me that and sad that that is the best this girl could come up with.  This is a college graduate.  Someone who has been deemed worthy to go out into the world and hold a professional job.  And Fat Bitch is the best she could come up with. 

It was over a $50 charge on her account in case you were wondering.    Some people.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Well FML

It may have finally happened.  They may have finally pushed me to my limit.  Today I received an email from an angry parent telling me all the reasons that her daughter should not have to pay for some of the things on her move out.  And one of the reasons was based on a private conversation I had with someone who I considered to be a friend.  Lesson learned.  Trust no one.  They won't get their money.  They broke a rule in the lease they signed.  But I feel violated.  I apparently can't escape from this place.  Even in my private life.   

I hate this job.  As in Hate.  I need to find someone who can pay me what I make here but can give me a peaceful happy job. Doesn't this exist????????  Bastards. 

Sympathy isn't really my thing

I have an ex tenant who moved to another part of town.  She moved into a rental house.  She was excited because it had a yard,  she was getting away from big old mean me,  and she wouldn't be surrounded by college kids anymore, etc.

She came in to pick something up from our office the other day and she told me that she had to wait 5 days for them to fix something.  5 days.  Interesting.  She also told me that her new landlord is a creeper and he is constantly coming up with reasons why he needs to be there. Sounds super fun.   She was told they would have a lawn company to take care of the mowing but now one had been there in the nearly 20 days they have lived there to mow.  Poor thing.

This is a person who did nothing but bitch while she was here.  Bitch about the 24 hours it took to respond to a clogged drain (clogged by her hair).  She would bitch when I was in her apartment (to stay with outside contractors whom I would never leave unattended in anyone's space since they don't work for us).  Even once bitched after it snowed because it took us nearly 24 hours to get a plow on the lot.  (we had just gotten close to 10 inches of snow and ice and it had begun around 9 in the morning so we couldn't get someone on the lot until the following afternoon.  That is just where we fell on the snow plows schedule.  (we did shovel all walk ways, steps, and even private porch areas at 6 a.m. the morning after the snow stopped to make them safe) Basically she was insane.  But she fo sho wanted my sympathy for her new living situation.  Sure.  I feel super bad for her. 

Not once did crazy pants ever comment on how good she actually had it here.  She actually ended the bitch fest by saying that 'it could be worse, she could still live here'.  Some bitches just need to be slapped.  A lot.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Here we go again

Well this weekend most of the students who have been gone all summer moved back.  And the insanity followed.  About 75% of my tenants finally moved in this weekend. (even if their leases started in June.  Can you imagine paying rent for 3 months for a place you don't live??)  So far I have needed to speak to the police, the fire marshal, a number of angry parents. 

My favorite parent was the one upset about the puke outside her daughters front door.  Here is how the convo went down:

Mom:  This is disgusting and unacceptable.  What kind of place allows this behavior and what kind of place doesn't clean this up?  It is unsanitary!

Me:  Mam this is the first I am hearing of this.  I will have I cleaned and I will check the cameras to see who caused the issue.

Mom:  I should hope so this is ridiculous.  My daughter just move in yesterday.  I am down here to get her set up.  I would not have allowed her to live in a place like this had I been aware that you allowed this. 

Me:  I don't allow any kind of behavior, mam.  As soon as I am aware that there is a problem I try to solve it.  As all the students moved in this weekend it was a bit crazy down here.  I tried to stay on top of everything but it was a bit out of control.  As I said, I will gladly check the cameras and send a crew over to clean it up ASAP.

Mom:  I will expect a call back very soon.  (hangs up on me)

I check the cameras and the rest of the story pretty much goes exactly how you think it would.  Her daughter invited over about 150 of her closest friends who got wasted and trashed the entire hallway.  (I have no idea what her apartment looked like in the morning but she must be a magician if her mom was confused about who the problem was)  And guess who puked in the hallway. . .

Me:  Mam, I think you should just come watch the footage.

Mom:  I have no desire to watch hoodlums behave like morons.  Just tell me the problem has been resolved and you will be punishing the piece of trash that did this?!?!

Me:  I am actually heading over to the building shortly to hand deliver the written warning now unless you would like to come and watch the footage.

Mom:  Thank, God.  I expected more of this place with the amount of rent we are paying.  And NO, I DO NOT WANT TO WATCH THE FOOTAGE!

Me:  If you would just come watch the footage, I think it would help.

Mom:  Absolutely not.

Me:  Ok.

So I drive over to the building to give her daughter the party fine, her written warning, and her bill for cleaning the hallway.  The mom just stands there, looking both ashamed and so pissed I thought her head would explode.  Needless to say I was secretly enjoying the moment.  She still hasn't come to watch the footage.  I am totally shocked.